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American Heart Association classes in Southeast Michigan

Here at Downriver Health Education, we are dedicated to educating both health care professionals and general public on life-saving techniques. When it comes to cardiac arrest or any other heart conditions, time is of the essence and understanding the appropriate actions to take can be a matter of life or death. Our instructors strive to provide the tools to confidently handle any emergency situation.

A comfortable learning environment

Stressful classrooms do not create a productive learning environment—and can actually hinder a student’s progress. When you take courses at Downriver Health Education, you’ll always experience patience and friendliness from our instructors. One of our main goals is to provide a safe, relaxed, and comfortable atmosphere so learning is a positive experience.

About our instructors

Charli Vance

Charli brings her humor and knowledge into every class. She has experience in the health care field as both a critical care paramedic on the road, as well as in Emergency Center settings, taking care of pediatric and adult patients. Charli’s love of education shows in her care of students as an instructor coordinator for Emergency Medical Services, teaching both basic and paramedic classes, as well as continuing education for area fire services. Charli’s students report that she always makes them feel comfortable while giving them everything they need to succeed.

Bev Leone

10-7-1955 – 6-30-2021

Gone but never forgotten….

Carrying on her memory in everything we do.

Endowment information to come…


Lori Dowell

Lori’s quest for knowledge started early in her nursing career as an RN on the cardiac care unit and grew as she worked in the Emergency Center. Lori’s career has led her to roles as Emergency Department educator and as faculty for a baccalaureate nursing program. Lori is able to help students as they grow and transition from book learning into the simulation role of patient care, applying what they have learned.

Have us come on-site to give health care classes.