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Our address and contact information

Downriver Health Education

14635 Northline Rd. Southgate, MI 48195
(313) 999 8805

Hours of Operation

All messages left with us will be answered as soon as we possibly can!

Cardiac Classes to Save Lives in Southeast Michigan

Are you ready to learn all about the heart and become prepared to save lives in the event of an emergency? Get in touch with Downriver Health Education! We teach classes on a schedule that will accommodate your busy life. Classes held at the Southgate storefront usually start at 8:30. Individually booked classes may start at a variety of times.

Expertly taught cardiac classes in Southeast Michigan

Our professional instructors are here to help you get certified as a health care professional or learn life-saving skills as a general public. Downriver Health Education has been serving the community for more than 10 years.


Call us now to register for classes!